Light Warriors Unleashed

Episode 107: [Solosode] 12D Energy, Light Codes and New Energies to Consider

August 26, 2024 Colleen Lindberg Season 3 Episode 107

This episode is a straight up convo of 5D and 12D energies. 
What is the 12th Dimensional energies? 
How are they playing out now in the field?
What does this mean for us? 
How can we connect in deeper to these energies… 
I also dive into 3 energies we can pay attention to and bring into our awareness now to honour the pathway ahead. 

This time is all about remembering and expanding energetically. 
We are being called into this and I have speaking into this for w a while now, this is another layer. 
Welcome to the Revolution 

Xo Enjoy 

Colleen Lindberg is a Soul Mission Activator and Spiritual Guide 

Her mission on earth is to dismantle the conformity infrastructures holding us back, so people can fully embody their potency and power. 
 She believes that each soul mission’s is a unique rhythm that is meant to ripple through the world. 

Her programs, teachings and channeling abilities , guide Light Warriors into more embodiment into their light, owning their unique tools and vibration. t

Her potency in transmissions has been known to shift energy in real time, collapsing time line narratives and activating spiritual gifts. 

Her light language spiritual album is launching this year

You can find her on Instagram

You can find her on YouTube as well

And some of her current offers can be found here: